1.1. Blago lahko vrnete samo po predhodnem pisnem soglasju podjetja in v roku 90 dni po datumu računa.

    1.2. Vrnjeno blago mora biti v originalni embalaži, neuporabljeno, nedotaknjeno in v prodajnem stanju. Blago, ki spada pod kategorijo ”non stock item”, ter svinčeni akumulatorji niso vključeni v blago, ki ga je mogoče vrniti.

    1.3. Vrnjeno blago mora biti ustrezno pakirano, da prispe do podjetja brez poškodb.

    1.4. Vse stroške, ki nastanejo zaradi potrebnih popravkov za vračilo blaga v prodajno stanje, bo podjetje zračunalo kupcu.


    2.1 Za vrnjeno blago se zaračunavajo stroški obdelave in/ali pristojbina za ponovno skladiščenje.

    2.2. Vrnjeno blago, ki prispe v podjetje v štirinajstih (14) dneh od datumu računa, se zaračunava strošek obdelave v višini 50€.

    2.3.Vrnjeno blago, ki prispe v podjetje v štirinajstih (14) in šestdesetih (60) dneh od datumu računa, se zaračunava pristojbina za ponovno skladiščenje v višini 30% od skupne vrednosti vrnjenega blaga, z minimalno pristojbino 50€. Za blago, ki prispe med šestdesetim (60) in devetdesetim (90) dnem, je pristojbina na skladiščenje 50%.

    2.4. Kupec bo prejel dobropis v višini cene blaga, minus stroški pošiljanja, strošek obdelave in pristojbino za ponovno skladiščenje.


    3.1 Kupec je odgovoren za vse stroške, ki nastanejo zaradi neupoštevanja navodil podjetja v zvezi z vračilom blaga.

    3.2 Podjetje si pridružuje pravico, da po prejemu in pregledu vrnjenega blaga prekliče ali spremeni zahtevo za vračilo. Kupec bo v tem primeru pravočasno obveščen.

    3.3 Kupec se zavezuje, da bo podjetje zaščitil pred vsem zahtevki, škodo ali stroški, ki izhajajo iz izgube blaga, vrnjenega brez upoštevanja pogojev iz tega člena.






    1.1 Goods can only be returned with prior written consent from the company and within 90 days from the invoice date.

    1.2 Returned goods must be in their original packaging, unused and in a resalable condition. Goods categorized as “non-stock items” and lead acid batteries are not eligible for return.

    1.3. Returned goods must be properly packaged to ensure they arrive at the company without damage.

    1.4. Any costs incurred for necessary repairs to return the goods to a resalable condition will be charged to the customer.


    2.1. Returned goods are subject to processing fees and/or restocking fees.

    2.2. For goods returned within fourteen (14) days after invoice date, a handling fee of fifty (50) euro.

    2.3. For goods returned within ourteen (14 to sixty (60) days after invoice date, a restocking fee of 30% of the total value of the returned goods will be charged, with a minimum fee of €50. For goods returned between sixty (60) and ninety (90) days, the restocking fee is 50%.

    2.4. The customer will receive a credit note for the price of the goods, minus shipping costs, processing fees, and restocking fees.



    3.1. The customer is responsible for all costs arising from non-compliance with the company’s return instructions.

    3.2. Any costs incurred due to the Customer’s failure to follow the Company’s instructions shall be borne by the Customer. The company reserves the right to cancel or alter the goods return request after receipt and inspection of goods. Customer will be contacted and notified in such case.

    3.3. The Customer shall indemnify the Company from and against any claims, damages or expenses arising from the loss of the Goods returned without following the contents of this clause.