The all-new Generation 12LTE boasts all the outstanding features of the 11LTE with more room, comfort, storage and performance.

  •         The 12LTE console bases and rear seat are raised, giving the 12LTE a noticebly roomier feel than the 11LTE. It also has significantly more foot room for the driver and passengers.
  •         There is comfortable seating for 5 adults.
  •         The inside beam is wider and the tube diameter is larger.
  •         It has more storage in the rear compartment, the bow locker and the cooler are larger than the 11LTE and it has an additional hatch in front of the console.
  •         It has a deeper V in the bow for a smoother ride.
  •         It has a larger optional, 10-gallon internal fuel tank.
  •         Depending on the configuration, the wet weight comes in approximatly 700lbs.
  •         In performance tests with a 40hp motor, the Generation 12LTE gets planing with 6 adults.


  •         Tube fabric (Orca CSM or Heytex PVC)
  •         Internal 10-gallon fuel tank
  •         The console bases come in two options: 5-seat base with built-in            cooler, or 4-seat open layout base



    The Generation LTE line will now be offered exclusively in a Deluxe configuration, including electrical system, deluxe components, a bow step and built-in fuel tank on all models.  The standard version includes the built-in tank, with the special order option of a portable fuel tank version. The “Base” model will no longer be available as of Fall 2018.